Together, We Shall
The Together, We Shall Podcast is hosted by Kim ‘Rooster’ Rossiter, President and Co-Founder of Ainsley’s Angels of America, and Joe Orth, Executive Vice President of Ainsley’s Angels. This inclusive podcast takes you into a world of tangents and thoroughfares, focusing on a conversation to be determined. Highlighting current events, insightful antidotes and life lessons with banter, sit back and listen to a little bit of humor and a few emotional deep dives during each episode. Let’s roll!If you would like to join us on the podcast, place to share/tell stories and connect, or nominate someone to join us on the podcast, email us at Podcast@AinsleysAngels.org If you have any questions, ideas, or comments, email us or use the comment section of this episode!
Together, We Shall
Episode 35 - Give Yourself Some Grace (Lauren Perkins)
The Together, We Shall Podcast has no script. It aims to bring people together to share their stories, and this week’s story just so happens to tie into Mother’s Day week(end) beautifully. Lauren Perkins is the Mom of sextuplets. She shares details of her pregnancy and the 11 years that I have followed. Her acknowledgment that as moms (people) we struggle to give ourselves grace and are really hard on ourselves can resonate with many of us. We appreciate her advice to give yourself some grace this Mother’s Day, and every day.