Together, We Shall
The Together, We Shall Podcast is hosted by Kim ‘Rooster’ Rossiter, President and Co-Founder of Ainsley’s Angels of America, and Joe Orth, Executive Vice President of Ainsley’s Angels. This inclusive podcast takes you into a world of tangents and thoroughfares, focusing on a conversation to be determined. Highlighting current events, insightful antidotes and life lessons with banter, sit back and listen to a little bit of humor and a few emotional deep dives during each episode. Let’s roll!If you would like to join us on the podcast, place to share/tell stories and connect, or nominate someone to join us on the podcast, email us at Podcast@AinsleysAngels.org If you have any questions, ideas, or comments, email us or use the comment section of this episode!
53 | “Speak from your heart, for that is where it is supposed to come from.” (Kelley Brandon)

52 | Mettle, Mothering, Melanoma, Mimosas, Marathons, Memories, and Mental Health (Ann Hupp)

51| EVERYBODY DANCE NOW, “If you can move, you can dance.” (Jess Reagle)

50 | BONUS episode from the Boston Marathon Starting Line (Angel Athlete Rider Shamus Evans)

49 | Postcards from Europe; A midnight train to Paris and a train to Barcelona (Briley Rossiter)

48 | What is a Special Needs Trust? Do you have a Letter of Intent? (Kelly Piacenti, SpecialCare)

47 | “Invisible or visible disability, you belong in the room with everyone else.” Dr. Camille Minor

Episode 46 - An Ally is not afraid to ask, "How do YOU want me to show up?" (Alexa Burrows)

Episode 45 - A real life Ainsley’s Angels Unicorn 🦄 Angel Ally, Ambassador, Runner, Guardian, Rider Athlete (Jill Burwell)

Episode 44 - The Hippie and Little Girl Who Lived in a Box. (Husband/Wife Duo Blaise and Myra Camp)

Episode 43 - | "The possibilities are limitless, especially when you have people who believe in you." (Ainsley's Angels Executive Assistant, Tracie David)

Episode 42 | A little reflection, a lot of joy, and pure gratefulness. (Joe and Rooster)

Episode 41 - | "I love him!"..."I know, I love him too!" (father/son duo, Michael and Donald Harms)

Episode 40 - 15 years ago, a physical therapist said we should take Ainsley for a run (Rock Doc Peggy Wolff and Dr. Laura Marano)

Episode 39 - Women Do Better On Carbs (ASICS Professional Athlete, Makenna Myler))

Episode 38 - Exploring America's Gen Z Perspective with Kamden Rossiter (Ainsley's Brother)

Episode 37 - Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. (Kelly O’Clair)

Episode 36 - I can. You can. We can. You’re never alone. (Lupita Hernandez)

Episode 35 - Give Yourself Some Grace (Lauren Perkins)

Episode 34 - There is only one way we accomplish things and it's together. (Vishal Amin)

Episode 33 - April is the month of the Military Child (Josh and Mercedes Alvis)

Episode 32 - It's when we forget ourselves that we do things which will be remembered (Lance Woods)

Episode 31 - The best way to channel our grief was to serve others (Ryan Manion)

Episode 30 - Do what you've got to do to get it done! (Susan Mikitka)

Episode 29 - Fight for A Better Tomorrow, But Love Yourself Today (Andrew Reid)